Dominik Loncar,  Catalyst for Creatives and Entrepreneurs

I am fascinated by how we tap into our creative impulses – that drives our creativity, our choices, our life.  I was honored to be the Artistic Director and Producer of the inspiraTO Theatre Festival, Canada’s largest ten-minute play festival, for 14 seasons producing 300 ten-minute plays.  As an arts educator, working with playwrights and other artists, I facilitate workshops that help with the creative process.  I am an entrepreneur and entrepreneur’s coach and have worked with thousands of start-ups.

My raison d’etre is kick-starting an individual’s creative impulse into action – acting as a catalyst for Creatives and Entrepreneurs.

Creative Impulses

  1.  Following your creative impulses is a constant, mysterious never- ending discovery
  2.  It’s at the core of any artistic endeavor
  3.  When you follow your creative impulses you are giving yourself a voice
  4.  You will be dissuaded at some point, or many points in your life, to follow your creative impulses
  5.  No one knows if you will “make it” but if you look at your life as a work of art you are always “making it”
  6.  Following your creative impulses leads to greater self-awareness and a more fulfilling life